As we start a New Year, let's look back at the top blogs of 2017.
#3 - Is my toddler ready to drop to one nap
Knowing when it’s time for your baby to make a change and drop a nap is no easy task. Not to mention most Mom's tell me: "I'm not not ready for less day sleep!" Read through this blog for tips on how to keep the two nap schedule for longer and if it really is the best time to drop a nap.

Not surprising early rising is on this list as it is the second most common question I get, next to night wakings. Early rising is also the last stage of sleep to be learned so it's more difficult to fix, especially if independent sleep at bedtime hasn't been established.
#1 - Schedules, Naps and Awake Windows
This blog was the all time most viewed MSD Baby Sleep blog! Not surprising as a child's sleep changes every few months. Staying on top of how much sleep your baby or child needs is a daunting tasks. This blog also includes a recommendation on how to time naps to ensure your child is well rested.
Happy New Year to you and your family! May the New Year bring you health, peace, happiness and more sleep!
Written By: Michelle S. Donaghy, founder of MSD Baby Sleep Coach and Certified Gentle Sleep Coach
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