Around 7 to 9 months most babies drop their 3rd cat nap and transition from three to two naps. The sign for this change may come in many different cues from your baby. Some baby's will continue to take the 3rd nap but it will last only 10-30 minutes and then it will stop completely. Other's will take the 3rd nap some days but not consistency. The last group will suddenly one day refuse the 3rd nap altogether. When any of the above happens consistently for more than 3 or 4 days, it's time to drop that nap and begin transitioning baby's schedule from a 3 nap routine to a two nap schedule. This can be a little bit of a bumpy road and most babies go through a yucky phase where three naps is too much but two naps is not enough. You may need to be patient and some days you will need to try for that 3rd nap in the car, stroller or arms if that's what will get even just a little catnap and help baby make it to bedtime before she is running o...
MSD Baby Sleep Coach is dedicated to helping families with young children learn independent sleeping skills through education, encouragement and support. Every family and child has a unique situation and there is no one size fits all. We take great care in customizing a special plan and offer extensive support until the desired result is reached.