Article featured in- OC Family Magazine July 2016, Page 50 By: Michelle S. Donaghy A fter months without sleep, you’re ready to help your baby learn to sleep through the night. Getting better sleep for your baby, and you, is one of the best things you can do for your entire family. If your child is 6 month or older and still waking during the night, it’s time to make a sleep plan. Sleep 101: Sleep is learned! Sleep is a learned skill and teaching a brand new skill to your baby is no small task. But you want the best for your baby and are willing to help your child learn this life-long skill. Sleep Associations: What are they? Do you rock or feed your baby until they are completely asleep? If yes, this is your child’s sleep association. Sleep learning begins with changing your baby’s sleep association. Here's how to create a plan: 1 New bedtime routine. A calm and pr...
MSD Baby Sleep Coach is dedicated to helping families with young children learn independent sleeping skills through education, encouragement and support. Every family and child has a unique situation and there is no one size fits all. We take great care in customizing a special plan and offer extensive support until the desired result is reached.